STNY is one of the oldest guilds on the Mannoroth server. We are always looking for mature players to join us for fun and conquest.

Viscidous Progress

June 7th, 2006 by Skier

As we saw on Monday night, we can do this fight. While we were learning the freezing stage, there were three main problems I noticed that caused all our failed attempts:

  1. Not healing the MT
  2. Standing in poison clouds
  3. Non-effective depoisoning

Not healing the MT is tied to # 3. If we lose people from the freezing groups we are in trouble. People who are dieing, need to focus on what they are dieing from and correct this behavior. We need the freezing groups to be able to survive round after round of beatdown. We survived 2 freezings on our best attempt. Let’s shoot for lasting at least 3 cycles.

Standing in poison clouds. Very important that you are expecting it to happen and have an escape route ready to go IMMEDIATELY. You must move instantly or you are dead.

Non-effective depoisoning – please see Slynt for the details pertaining to this.

All in all though, the freezing stage performance improved dramatically on Monday which allowed us to make some blob killing progress. However, the area of this fight that we need the most improvement on is our blob killing. On our best round, we killed three blobs. Our average blob killing round had us killing one or two. We need to boost this number signficantly (~7 blobs would be excellent). We’ll be working on improving this area of our strategy next attempt, so stay tuned, and stay focused.

The Scourge Invasion patch 1.11

June 6th, 2006 by Simpkin

The day many have feared for years has finally come: the Scourge has launched a direct attack on the lands of Azeroth! Reports of necropolis sightings are coming in from all over the world, the massive structures looming ominously on the horizon, ready to move at Kel’Thuzad’s command. A dreadful dawn is rising in the east as the Lich King’s dark minions prepare to descend upon Azeroth. Soon the Scourge will march again, and this time there is no prophet to speak the warning, no gallant knight to fight the coming darkness, no legendary hero to thwart the monstrosity on the Frozen Throne.

It is up to you now to become the fire that burns against the cold, the light of hope that prevails beneath the shadow of the necropolis!

Oh yeah here is a link to the NAX map


I don’t know about you guys but it sounds to me like the patch will be active today woot! (ok maybe not)

Dramatic Improvement

June 6th, 2006 by Slynt

I saw the fire back in everyone’s eyes this weekend. Great work and many thanks to all who showed up and put forth their best efforts in Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, and Ahn’Qiraj. Let’s continue this trend and build upon our momentum.

A few weeks ago Viscidus seemed impossible. Insurmountable. Many people, myself included, questioned the administration’s decision to tackle that encounter before taking on some of the easier, less intense fights in Ahn’Qiraj. But this weekend we saw the cracks begin to develop in the abomination’s armor. Defeating Viscidus, which once seemed unthinkable, now feels inevitable. But this progress does not come without cost. We’re consuming a great number of resources to aid us in the learning process, and this investment will need to be recouped. If, this week, each member of the guild could donate just five elemental earth, or just five large venom sacs, or just five dreamfoil, it would be a tremendous aid to our collective cause, and with very little effort required of each individual member.

Let’s keep ourselves sharp and make this week’s raids even better than our last. See you there!

Another 8 Piece

June 3rd, 2006 by Xandaria

Grats Sthric on full Dragonstalker’s armor!

Read Slynt’s Post

June 2nd, 2006 by Taliant

Read Slynt’s post in the general forums!

Two Changes

June 1st, 2006 by Taliant

Okay everyone, after an O meeting last night I have two changes to announce!

1) Molten Core will now be cleared every other week instead of every week due to a decline in fun and interest.

2)Instead of announcing raid locations (such as MC invites @ 6:30) we are going to start getting into the habit of just announcing raids, such as (Raid invites @ 7:30). The idea behind this is to give ourselves more flexability in our raiding, so we can raid what we have the numbers, class make up, and server conditions for to use our time more effectivly.

BWL Lootz!!

May 28th, 2006 by Shibby

This listing is for all of the people that were not at the BWL raid on Saturday night.

Vaelstraz the Corrupt

Judgement Belt – De’ed
Bloodfang Belt – Ambushed
Arcane Infused Gem – Watermm

Broodlord Lashlayer

Dragonstalker Greaves – Turin
Sabatons of Wrath – Sarutobix
Black Brood Pauldrons – De’ed
Head of Broodlord Lashlayer – Niedula


Drake Talon Cleaver – Turner
Legguards of the Fallen Crusader – Warrenn


Netherwind Gloves – Euge
Aegis of Preservation – De’ed


Dragonstalker’s Gauntlets – Ryuujinn
Dragon’s Touch – Softball


Pauldrons of Wrath – Hennessyx
Bloodfang Spaulders – Dish
Angelista’s Grasp – De’ed
Claw of Chromaggus – Taliant


Band of Dark Dominion – Taliant

Vicidus Shattered!

May 23rd, 2006 by Taliant

Great job last night everyone! We met the goal of shattering vicidus last night and with some hard farming over the next week he should be going down real soon…Keep it up!

First 8 piece!

May 20th, 2006 by Taliant

Congrats Eviel on getting STNY’s first 8 piece tier 2 set!

Tier 3 Raid sets

May 19th, 2006 by Xandaria

Juat a quick post to let you guys know why Naxxramus is going to be so cool.. Bring on 1.11

Tier 3… HOT