STNY is one of the oldest guilds on the Mannoroth server. We are always looking for mature players to join us for fun and conquest.

Priest Meeting – 02/28/06

February 24th, 2006 by Ismona

On Tuesday I will be calling a priest meeting to go over some issues that have come up as of recently.

This meeting will be to get some issues out of the way as well as to go over some stuff that has been sitting on the back burner for some time that I have been working on. I will also listen to some ideas about our respec when the new talents go live. I would like to see some signatures in the Priest forum that people have read the thread and understand that attendence is maditory for all priests in the guild. You can PM me messages if you are unable to attend, but if no excuse is given and you are absent you will not be allowed into the next MC ( this has been cleared by the officers ). Please make every attempt to be there.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Full sets

February 24th, 2006 by Simpkin

The guild would like to congradulate Skier and Virridian on achieving their 8 piece tier 1 sets over the last week! With better equipment great players get even better and things get easier.

Grats guys!

Guild Contributor of the Week

February 23rd, 2006 by Xandaria

Ok. So I thought I would create a new Honor. From now on I will be naming a guild Contributor of the week. This Honor will go to the Guildee that does the most to help out the guild or other guild members. I will be taking Nominations from all guildees to determine the GC of the week.

To nominate a GC send me a PM in the forums with the Toons name and the reason you are nominating him. Some examples of reasons to nominate are:
1) Player X left his main character and went to a priest for the better of the raid.
2) Player X helps our lowbies level up and gave them guidance.
3) Player X helped me get Exalted with the Thorium Brotherhood.

Basically it can be anything of worthy note. Please be mature and only send real nominations. I will discuss with the other officers a possible prize for periodic winners.

As an example of the PM u should send I will make the first nomination and here it is….

I nominate DISH…. DISH made me 250+ thorium widgets for Darkmoon tickets and he didn’t even bat an eye to do it… Thank you DISH.

The First GC of the week will be announced on the 3rd of March and each new GC will be announced every Saturday right here!


February 23rd, 2006 by h3rb

Well the day has come. They have finally revealed our talent changes. The list is long so I will not clutter up the front page with all the details. Click here to view Eyonix’s post.

Click here for new Talent Calculator

PvP for the week of 2/15 through 2/21

February 22nd, 2006 by Twizzot

Mostly because of being lazy SOB I’m just posting the members of STNY who have achieved the top 1000 in the rankings. Alot of people on the list are idle or are not focusing on PvP any more so there really is no sense in putting their numbers up here. I also have the rankings from last week in notepad format if anyone wants them. I had a busy week at work (where I update the rankings from) so I didn’t get to it. Slacker list Twiz!!

I’d like to encourage those of you who PvP regularly to join forces. It will help build more camaraderie within the guild. Mages are not water/food dispensers & warlocks are not mass transit providers. There are people behind those toons, so keep that in mind.

46th -2 Slynt
105th +1 Euge
134th -26 Florth
260th -69 Rajin
358th +321 Dreadmist
386th +34 Cata
425th -6 Mendron
439th -51 Etharien
516th -110 Sigh
580th -48 Dish
589th +160 Twizzot
700th +87 Hunterzk
706th -85 Alkuran
723rd +104 Cellerwind
766th +52 Gotyourstuff
776th +94 Sthric
800th -157 Taliant
822nd +587 Nikola
858th -147 Serpa
867th +296 Ehks
903rd -146 Catbert
990th -6 Dracosta

Chat Write Up

February 21st, 2006 by h3rb

Wow released a really intensive chat guide. All the commands and abilities of chat. It’s a pretty well laid out guide. Click here to check it out.

PvP for the week of Feb 7-14: /grovel Slynt & Dreadmist

February 15th, 2006 by Twizzot

Congrats to Slynt for hitting rank 11. Been a good week & a half for him as he got to the rank of Commander & completed his Cenarion set. Good job man. Alot more people climbing the ranks this week than last which obviously means you all quit your jobs & kicked out or divorced that special person in your life (which is smart especially right before Valentine’s Day). Also of note is that Dreadmist has climbed 1305 ranking spots in two weeks. INSANE! Warlocks are so overpowered omfgwtfpwnsauce!!!!

PvP Rankings Fixed (Finally)

February 10th, 2006 by Twizzot

Overall a significant dropoff from previous weeks, but that is alright. It just means more of you are truly focused on learning BWL. Also don’t blame Axavier for falling so far off the chart, congratulate him! He is a proud poppa of a new baby! Grats mang!

Anyhoo, on with the rankings!

44th Slynt 44,914
37th -20 Florth 42,266
84th -31 Euge 41,367
145th -38 Rajin 37,736
367th +40 Sigh 29,825
371st -92 Cata 29,791
384th -102 Mendron 29,685
412th -60 Dish 29,081
425th -120 Etharien 28,664
557th -110 Serpa 25,945
596th -12 Taliant 25,299
642nd -76 Catbert 24,485
705th -42 Alkuran 23,508
726th -98 Sthric 23,203
794th -173 Gotyourstuff 22,088
810th -167 Kreegoth 21,862
811th -138 Watermm 21,843
906th -98 Cellerwind 20,630
988th +146 Sponge 19,610
994th +552 Twizzot 19,556
1,022nd -163 Pleeblo 19,256
1,027th -156 Virridian 19,133
1,038th -47 Dracosta 19,046
1,046th -64 Gnomercie 18,947
1,058th +197 Niedula 18,803
1,077th +907 Dreadmist 18,640
1,084th +160 Nyctel 18,543
1,128th -157 Hunterzk 18,010
1,185th -158 Nistin 17,409
1,193rd +172 Exarkuun 17,361
1,203rd +159 Founder 17,293
1,328th -188 Hennessyx 16,169
1,360th -190 Turin 15,919
1,366th -191 Skier 15,863
1,383rd -191 Heavensent 15,722
1,415th -184 Baradamor 15,403
1,525th -186 Raneth 14,533
1,582nd -19 Ambushed 14,164
1,588th -11 Ehks 14,101
1,619th -197 Tu 13,913
1,659th +63 Gargoylehunt 13,595
1,668th -78 Intheshadows 13,534
1,757th -200 Axavier 12,986
1,919th -198 Eviel 11,795

Best of the Best 3v3 Tourney!

February 8th, 2006 by Taliant

First I want to thank everyone for participating and I hope you all had a good time! There were some epic battles, massive upsets, sneaky moves, and some BIG crits!

The final match came down to group 1 ( Founder, Virridian, Hunterzk) vs group 4 ( Dish, Balkazaar, Taliant)
In round 1 group 1 gave group 4 a sound thrashing but a revised strategy for round 2 led group 4 to a win, tying the tourney 1-1 in the final match…So exciting! The final match was an epic battle that could have gone either way and ended up with everyone dead except balkazaar and virridian, DUN DUN DUN! Virridian fought very well but started the 1 on 1 at 40% hp and 5% mana so it was only a matter of time, and finally balkazaar closed in for the kill.

Congratulations to the winners: Dish, Balkazaar, and Taliant!

PvP ranking

February 7th, 2006 by little pav

sorry but its a little different from how skier did but its good

44th Slynt
46th Florth
53rd Euge
107th Rajin
279th Cata
282nd Mendron
327th Sigh
352nd Dish
447th Serpa
545th Etharien
566th Catbert
584th Taliant
621st Gotyourstuff
628th Sthric
643rd Kreegoth
673rd Watermm
747th Alkuran
808th Cellerwind
859th Pleeblo
871st Virridian
921st Kkarn
971st Hunterzk
982nd Gnomercie
991st Dracosta
1,027th Nistin
1,044th Founder
1,134th Sponge
1,140th Hennessyx
1,170th Turin
1,175th Skier
1,192nd Heavensent
1,231st Baradamor
1,244th Nyctel
1,255th Niedula
1,339th Raneth
1,365th Exarkuun
1,422nd Tu
1,441st Margaret
1,546th Twizzot
1,557th Axavier
1,563rd Ambushed
1,577th Ehks
1,590th Intheshadows
1,721st Eviel
1,722nd Gargoylehunt
1,933rd Jaimaleza
1,984th Dreadmist
1,995th Thethrasher