STNY is one of the oldest guilds on the Mannoroth server. We are always looking for mature players to join us for fun and conquest.

Softball’s Backpack

April 9th, 2006 by Softball

“How many potions do you carry?”

By popular request:

Softball's Backpack

80 x Heavy Runecloth Bandages
40 x Morning Glory Dew
32 x Alterac Swiss
30 x Restorative Potion (For Chromaggus)
20 x Elixir of Shadow Power
20 x Major Healing Potion
20 x Major Mana Potion
12 x Greater Fire Protection Potions
10 x Elixir of the Mongoose
9 x Flask of Supreme Power
9 x Elixir of Greater Agility
6 x Wizard Oil (5 charges per)
6 x Stratholme Holy Water (For Nef)
6 x Hourglass Sand
4 x Brilliant Mana Oil (5 charges per)
1 x Flask of the Titans

GC of the Week

April 8th, 2006 by Xandaria

OK so there have been no Nominations for GC of the Week. Am I to Assume that no one is helping Others Out?

HA right… Guys send me those nominations in a PM or replies.

Also We wil be Announcing the GC of the Month and his/her prize this weekend.

This Weeks GC of the Week is Bling. Bling is the Man. He hands out valuable items and keeps the guild protected from fire in BWL.. Go BLING!!

PvP Rankings March 28/April 5

April 6th, 2006 by Twizzot
115th -31 Dreadmist
173rd -45 Slynt
231st +27 Cata
259th -41 Euge
420th -57 Twizzot
511th -13 Alkuran
548th -57 Ginnipig
566th -127 Ehks
646th -137 Florth
691st -74 Nikola
698th -50 Gnomercie
819th -21 Mendron
846th -5 Dish
878th -177 Cellerwind
907th -104 Rajin
930th -7 Mahuamad
955th New Intheshadows
999th New Sthric

Taliant I see you.

April 4th, 2006 by Heavensent

1.11 == Naxxramas

April 4th, 2006 by h3rb

In upcoming Patch 1.11, one of Azeroth’s most feared denizens – Kel’Thuzad, the right hand of the Lich King himself – will return with the horrors of the undead in his wake. New background on the lair of Kel’Thuzad, the dungeon Naxrammas, has been released:

Several years ago, the Lich King preyed upon the mind of one of the most reckless magi of the Kirin Tor: Kel’Thuzad, whose obsession with the dark arts had ever concerned his fellow magi. Eventually he became one of the Lich King’s most valuable servants. It was Kel’Thuzad upon whom the Lich King bestowed the task of assembling the Cult of the Damned, opening the way for the Scourge and ultimately for the Burning Legion’s invasion of Azeroth. The Lich King promised Kel’Thuzad eternal life, and the Lich King kept his promise. After Arthas slew the wretched mage, Kel’Thuzad was brought back from the dead to continue his cursed existence as a powerful lich, locked in the service of his dark master for all eternity. The necropolis Naxxramas is the seat of Kel’Thuzad’s evil, from which he oversees the Scourge and heeds his lord’s command. A dreadful dawn is rising in the east as the Lich King’s dark minions prepare to descend upon Azeroth. Soon the Scourge will march again, and this time there is no prophet to speak the warning, no gallant knight to fight the coming darkness, no legendary hero to thwart the monstrosity on the Frozen Throne. Who, then, will be the fire that burns against the cold, the light of hope that prevails beneath the shadow of the necropolis?

I’m watching you.

April 3rd, 2006 by Heavensent

With my infinte effort to try and keep the STNY website updated I am going to start posting once a week the people who screw up BIG during raids like, taliants constant effort to wipe us or Winderforces urge to run into a live Rag during buffing and hopefully with screenshots inculded! Also this may expanded into people being morons in /gchat or PvP groups. Basically if I have the chance to point out something to embarrass you in front of all of our viewers, I’ll do soo. I’ll call it “The best of STNY” section.(also if I am not online and you notice someone doing something stupid, feel free to send me a screen/story)

MC run on 4/02/06

April 2nd, 2006 by Heavensent

We took sometime on a sunday to run MC on normally our off day, and I was happy to see the turnout that we got. We also kept it a little under 4 hours so keep on working on that 3 hour mark guys! But these are the loots –

Bling —-> Nightslayer Belt

Turner —-> Lawbringer Boots

Twizzot —-> Wristgaurds of Stability
Cenarion Gloves

Giest —-> Might Leggings
Strikers Mark
Eskhanders right claw

Sanctin —-> Gloves of Prophecy

Inzuyka —-> Giantstalker boots

Heel —-> Circlet of Prophecy
Boots of Prophecy
leggings of Transcendance

Stonefist —-> Lawbringer Helm

Turner —-> Aurastone Hammer

Muhaumed –> Felheart Shoulders

Tathwem —-> Aged Core Leather Gloves

Etharien —-> Pauldrens of Might
Dragons Blood Cape

Minisoftball -> Cenarion Vestments

Mendron —-> Nightslayer Chestpeice

Nikola —-> Fire Ruined Grimore

Kayyne —-> Ancient Petrified leaf

Heavensent -> Fireproof Cloak

Deathcheese > Sash of Whispered Secrets

Dracosta —-> Netherwind Pants

Thetrasher —> Choker of the Firelord

Auto-bots, Maximize!

April 2nd, 2006 by Taliant

Okay now I’m pretty sure that everyone in the guild has seen the nefarian encounter and over the next two days I want everyone to gather consumables and items to maximize their effectiveness. Flask of the titans, distilled wisdom, and supreme power are a must, and I am REQUIRING lung juice/cereberal cortex compound / ground scorpok essay for the entire raid. Get your potions of shadow power, brilliant mana oil, and nighfin soup. You get the idea!

Blackwing Lair Loot for 4/1/2006

April 2nd, 2006 by Merkor

Tonight we took where we left last night and progressed through Firemaw (downed him with just 28 attendees!), Ebonroc, Flamegor and Chromaggus. Here is the loot we got:


  • Handguards of Transcendence => Sigh
  • Cloak of Firemaw => Dish
  • Trash Mob:

  • Interlaced Shadow Jerkin => Hunterzk
  • Ebonroc:

  • Dragonstalker’s Gauntlets => Sthric
  • Aegis of Preservation => Disenchanted
  • Flamegor:

  • Netherwind Gloves => Cata
  • Dragon’s Touch => Nikola
  • Chromaggus:

  • Judgement Spaulders => Serpa
  • Bloodfang Spaulders => Ambushed
  • Empowered Leggings => Aaminbruther
  • Elementium Threaded Clok => Giest
  • Nefarian, see you again on monday! 🙂

    By the way, updated loot spreadsheets have been posted in the Raid forum.

    Blackwing Lair Progress

    April 1st, 2006 by Twizzot

    As you can see from wink’s post below we are absolutely scorching through BWL. The other night we smoked Razorgore, Vael, Chromaggus, Broodlord, and Ebonroc before time constraints interfered. This was with no wipes whatsoever too. Hell, I think we had more problems with some of the trash mobs than we did the actual bosses. I predict Nefarion dead next week with continued fat loots incoming for some time. This is where you /flex /strut and bask in the pwnage which is STNY. Stay focused and keep up the good work!

    And don’t worry Serpa, RDP BABY!!! will drop soon enough!!!