PvP Rankings March 21-28
Sorry for the delay folks but Blizzard didn’t have the guild listed with the people ranked for a few days & I wasn’t going to pick through 2000 listings to find the STNY people. Too much work is the suck! Anyway, here are the members of STNY that achieved in the top 1000 for alliance on the server.
84th | -22 | Dreadmist | 128th | -31 | Slynt |
218th | -63 | Euge |
258th | +96 | Cata |
363rd | -26 | Twizzot |
439th | -57 | Ehks |
491st | -16 | Ginnipig |
498th | +189 | Alkuran |
509th | -113 | Florth |
617th | -118 | Nikola |
648th | -17 | Gnomercie |
701st | -52 | Cellerwind |
798th | -137 | Mendron |
803rd | -149 | Rajin |
841st | -4 | Dish |
923rd | New | Mahuamad |
960th | New | Exarkuun |
990th | -145 | Killerelfzor |