Loot System Change
Over the weekend the officers got together and discussed the loot system. Taliant did an informal survey that asked people: ‘Rate the current loot system from 1 to 10’. The average response was about 7.5. A number of people also included the reasoning behind the scores they gave. Most people seemed happy enough with the loot system. Most of the people who were unhappy, were primarily unhappy that the loot system doesn’t prevent certain kinds of behavior (rolling on more than one epic for a slot when others have crap for that slot, getting good epics and not raiding, being a slacker and getting epics, etc.).
A lot of people have suggested ways in which we could modify percents, change this number, or add this variable to the checking of the loot as a solution to these problems. The officers felt that these circumstances are not easily detectable from the numbers alone and have decided that the best way to address these problems is by human intervention. That is why we have decided that the officers will reserve the right to deny a person from rolling, should the need arise.
Should a situation come up where your request to be allowed to roll on an item is denied, you will be notified in raid chat by an officer that you are being denied and the reasoning behind the denial. In all liklihood this situation will not arise very often.
An example:
Onyxia dies, Bloodfang Helm drops. A few rogues in the guild send Taliant tells for the item. One of the rogues received his Nightslayer Cover the evening beforehand. Taliant would bring this up in officer chat. The officers would discuss the situation, and come to the conclusion that the individual with the Nightslayer Cover should probably let the rouges with non-epic helms have priorty. Taliant types in raid chat: “Taliant: RogueX, the officers have decided to decline your request to roll on the grounds that you recieved an epic helm last night.”
Another example:
We are in MC and the raid has downed a few bosses so far. The raid comes up to Golemagg and kills him. One of the raid leaders recently checked the healing meters and noticed that the MT is out-healing PaladinX. The Lawbringer Chest dropped and the paladin sends a tell to roll on it. The officers make note of the poor performance of the indivdual who wishes to roll and informs him via raid chat: “We’re sorry, PaladinX, but you have largely been AFK this clear. We have a screenshot that illustrates this. We are denying your request to roll because you are slacking. Please pull your weight or don’t come on raids.”
I don’t think we’ll end up using this change very often, but we are reserving the right to just-in-case. The raid chat portion is included to make sure that there are enough witnesses to make sure any judgments are fair. I am hoping this will help normalize some of the more extreme cases of our loot system.