Archive for February, 2006

PvP ranking

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

sorry but its a little different from how skier did but its good 44th Slynt 46th Florth 53rd Euge 107th Rajin 279th Cata 282nd Mendron 327th Sigh 352nd Dish 447th Serpa 545th Etharien 566th Catbert 584th Taliant 621st Gotyourstuff 628th Sthric 643rd Kreegoth 673rd Watermm 747th Alkuran 808th Cellerwind 859th Pleeblo 871st Virridian 921st Kkarn […]

Patch 1.93

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

——————————————————————————– – World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.9.3 (2006-02-07) ——————————————————————————– Love is in the Air! Are you looking for love? All of Azeroth soon will be! As winter draws to a close the races are starting to seek that special someone. Be on the lookout for amorous individuals! Put on that special perfume or cologne, […]

Being a guild member of STNY

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

As of late I have noticed a couple guild members posting applications on other guilds websites. First of all I would like to say before you do something rash take some time to think about your actions. Chill out and take a break go have a beer blow off some steam, whatever it takes to […]

Vael Down!!!!

Sunday, February 5th, 2006

HAHA First to post it! That’s right folks the big dragon fell tonight. We had a couple of trys got him to about 15% and we were going to give it up for the night. The tank transition was going well and we decided to give it one more go. And he went down it […]

Eyonix on Priest Changes :)

Friday, February 3rd, 2006

As has been stated many times in recent posts, a number of improvements are being made to several priest talents and core abilities for the next content patch. Several of these changes are still in the testing process, and in some cases, under discussion – especially those relating to talents. What this means to the […]

UBRS run

Thursday, February 2nd, 2006

I will be doing a UBRS run on monday the 6 @ 7:30 for all those that need to get the blood or other things that people need there. I know that some people need some FR gear so UBRS would be a good place to start. I hope to see a lot of people […]

Scholo Race Over!

Wednesday, February 1st, 2006

Congratulations to our 1st place winners: Serpa, Watermm, Datlyr, Sponge, Simpkin! You guys just won 100 gold! Congratulations to our 2nd place winners: Ambushed, Apox, Boozey, Gnarlan, Ismona! You guys just won 50 gold! I’d like to thank everyone who participated and I hope you all had fun. Next tuesday: Gurubashi fight night!