Archive for October, 2005

Weekend Roundup

Friday, October 7th, 2005

Whoops, forgot to post this for last weekend. Sadako is one step closer to the Thunderfury. Left binding – Check. Right binding – Check. Essence of the Firelord – Check. If you have spare Arcanite, send it to him. He’s about 1/3 of the way to 100 bars. Now for the Elementium… Watermm: Choker of […]

Loot System Change

Thursday, October 6th, 2005

Over the weekend the officers got together and discussed the loot system. Taliant did an informal survey that asked people: ‘Rate the current loot system from 1 to 10’. The average response was about 7.5. A number of people also included the reasoning behind the scores they gave. Most people seemed happy enough with the […]

PVP Rankings

Wednesday, October 5th, 2005

The Delta is your change from last week. The Rating is some arbitrary number that only Blizzard employees know how it is generated. You can assume that a higher Ratings is better. Rank Delta Name Rating 34th +19 Rajin 36,354 76th +21 Taliant 30,809 85th +35 Slynt 30,207 122nd +34 Euge 27,181 131st +32 Cata […]


Tuesday, October 4th, 2005

ZG Wednesday at 7:00 pm EST. I want to start an hour early and clear as much as possible. Head to Darkshire ahead of time.

Weeknight Raids and Mentor Program

Sunday, October 2nd, 2005

We are going to start having instance raids throughout the week to help people acuire needed items. Some of the officers are going to run these raids on specified nights. We are looking for a few people, one or two from each class to aid new arrivals to the guild. These “mentors” will help the […]